Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Paris, Texas

This is a strange but insightful movie. It's not everyone's cup of tea, but then again, when were art house films ever everyone's cup of tea? Paris, Texas is a very engrossing film that slowly unravels itself as you keep watching. The film is about a man who has been randomly walking by himself for years until one day he faints and his younger brother has to come get him. The man then finds out that his younger brother has been raising his son for him since he's been gone. From there, the man tries to be in his son's life again and other things happen that I can't say because it would ruin the movie if I went into any further detail. Paris, Texas is a slow and yet calculating movie that really makes you feel like you've earned some of the answers to the movie's mysteries when they are revealed. The movie has some great shots in it and superb lighting design. The film is also very emotionally charged at times and will definitely grab your full, undivided attention during some scenes. In the end, Paris, Texas is a pretty unique film watching experience that will either impact you with its story, enlighten you with its message, or just leave you scratching your head.

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