Thursday, January 28, 2010

PLEASE SEE THIS: Let The Right One In

This movie blew me away when I first saw it in theaters. I just thought that it was such a beautifully crafted film that redefines the vampire genre in ways that not many movies like it have ever really done before. It's a movie that is very dark and haunting while also being very powerful and moving at the same time. Essentially, Let The Right One In is very different than most vampire films. It's a vampire movie that touches on things like adolescence, love, and revenge. But no matter how different or original the film sets out to be, it still at times grounds itself into the genre with some trademark vampire elements here and there. But even when the film caters to the genre, it still somehow succeeds to transcend from what’s to be expected from a vampire movie and in the end delivers a very genuine film about love and hope. Let The Right One In is a truly wonderful film that I highly recommend to anyone, whether they like vampire movies or not.

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