Thursday, April 22, 2010

Review: Kick-Ass

I've been hearing about this movie for a long time now. I haven't read the comics but have been intrigued by it ever since I heard about its premise. So going into it I had decent expectations for it. But what I didn't see coming was that this film would blow every expectation I've ever had for it out of the water. I'm just gonna say it now: this movie is phenomenal. I haven't seen a film this entertaining in a long time. Its dark, its funny, its gory, its vulgar, and its even emotional and heartfelt at times. Now granted, its not the most powerful or gripping film you'll see, but it is a film that does a great job of balancing elements of fun and entertainment with good story and drama.

But at its core, what I think makes the movie so great is how lovable the characters are. Nic Cage is amazing in this movie. I personally think that it might be one of the best roles he's ever been in. I just thought that his performance in the film was fantastic. He really takes command of the screen in the hand full of scenes that he appears in.

Then there's the newcomer Aaron Johnson who plays Dave Lizewski aka Kick-Ass. He's very good in the role and carries the film very nicely. He does a good job of portraying a character who is a real, ordinary teenager that's struggling to become an extraordinary superhero.

And then you have Christopher Mintz-Plasse who plays Chris D'Amico aka Red Mist. Now if I had to choose as to who's the weakest link in the film I'd have to say it'd be him. His performance in the movie isn't very good and I would even say that him being in the movie is one of the only down sides to the film.

With that being said, now we come to Chloe Moretz who plays Mindy Macready aka Hit-Girl. Now if there is one thing that anyone remembers from this movie its how awesome Hit-Girl is. She basically steals the whole show. The things that come out of this little girl's mouth and the vicious acts of violence that she commits throughout the entire film are nothing short of pure gold. Chloe Moretz is brilliant in the role and I really don't think that many girls her age could have pulled it off like she has. It's definitely a great breakout performance from the young actress.

Mark Strong is great in the movie as well. He plays the antagonist in the film who is also Red Mist's father. He was very convincing as a fierce mob boss who has to balance his life of crime with being a family man too. He had some very funny moments in the film and the chemistry between him and the superheroes is very good.

Kick-Ass is an extremely fun film that isn't afraid to be crude and violent while still being grounded and have a good, well paced story. It's a true homage to everything comic books and takes a good look at what the struggles and consequences would be if people really tried to be real life superheroes. Kick-Ass is a great crowd pleasing movie that takes no prisoners and makes you love every second of it.

5 out of 5 stars

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