Saturday, May 15, 2010

PLEASE SEE THIS: The 400 Blows

This movie is french film critic Francois Truffaut's debut film and is considered by many to be a true masterpiece (and I couldn't agree more.) It was released in France in 1959 and yet its message is pretty timeless. The film follows a young boy who can't help but keep falling deeper and deeper into delinquency. Even when he tries to make things right he still manages to end up looking like the bad guy in the end. It's a film that captures the essence of childhood so perfectly that it's almost a thing of beauty. It feels as if you're peaking into a looking glass and seeing the life of a real boy in a very real world. Overall, the story is very tragic and yet also very touching. And the way that the film conveys it's message is so masterfully done that it's really hard to believe that this is Francois Truffaut's first film. The 400 Blows is a movie that I think everyone should see. It's an extremely powerful and unforgettable film that just might make you cherish your childhood more than you ever have before.

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